It’s The Traffic

A recurring theme from my conversations with Pinecrest residents is the issue of traffic. Many have lost hope that traffic and driver behavior can be controlled to a degree that ensures safety for everyone—especially children and our older residents —whether walking, biking, or driving in our village.

We must not surrender to this challenge. Conceding to traffic issues means compromising the quality of life in Pinecrest. I am confident that we can tackle this problem effectively. In this post, I outline a methodology to address it.

First, we need a clear understanding of the traffic situation. Currently, Pinecrest does not monitor the overall volume of traffic, though it's acknowledged that traffic has increased. Our first step is to gather data: How many cars enter Pinecrest daily, at what times, from where, what internal streets are impacted, and where do they exit? Establishing a baseline will help us set goals for improvement.

Next, we must identify the root causes of increased traffic. In discussions with local officials, including Police Chief Cohen, the rise in traffic can be attributed to several factors: population growth in Miami-Dade and surrounding areas — Pinecrest’s population has been stable for the last decade — and traffic-routing algorithms from apps like Waze and Google Maps, which direct drivers through Pinecrest when US1 is congested.

Additionally, I propose examining other potential factors: declining enrollment of Pinecrest families in Pinecrest public schools leading to more students — and vehicles — from outside Pinecrest to fill the open spots; a perceived lack of safe biking and walking options throughout the village, causing an over-reliance on cars even for short trips.

Do you have other thoughts on why traffic is increasing in Pinecrest? Please share your views here.

After pinpointing these causes, potential solutions begin to emerge. While we cannot halt development in neighboring areas, we can take steps to discourage cut-through traffic on our inner streets, support our public schools to make them the preferred choice for Pinecrest families, and invest in infrastructure, maintenance, and green spaces to enhance safety for those who would much rather walk or bike than use their cars.

I invite a discussion on this topic within the Village Council, the Village Government, and among our residents. Pinecrest residents understand Pinecrest's challenges best and are uniquely qualified to solve them. I’m here to help.

We own the traffic issue. With leadership, determination, and focus will address it and with that, preserve the high quality of life that makes Pinecrest a beautiful place to live.


Grateful To My Endorsers


Protecting Pinecrest, Our Treasure